"network manager can be configured using nmtui in cli."
GUI doesn't have the "ignore automatically obtained DNS parameters", only 'Ignore automatically obtained routes", so you have to use nmtui
The people who run the RPi manufacturing operation decided to replace dhcpcd with nmcli as the default DHCP client program for the bookworm release.
The first Raspberry Pi OS that supports Raspberry Pi 5 manages the network settings by default with NetworkManager,
More Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W lookalikes are coming to market, as after the Allwinner H618-based Orange Pi Zero 2W, the Radxa Zero 3W has now been introduced with a 1.6 GHz Rockchip RK3566 processor and up to 8GB RAM, plus WiFi 6 and Bluetooth 5.4 connectivity, which makes it one of the most powerful Arm Linux SBCs in the compact Raspberry Pi Zero form factor.
sudo nano /bin/connect-bluetooth.sh
In that file add
sudo bluetoothctl << EOF
power on
connect MAC Address »
Save that file.
Make it executable
sudo chmod +x /bin/connect-bluetooth.sh
Then create a new file
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/connect-bluetooth.service
Add this text:
Unit »
Description=Connect Bluetooth
Service »
Install »
Save that file.
Then run this command to enable that process
sudo systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/connect-bluetooth.service